Intention Card Game
Wednesday, May 8, 21.00 by Prague
Link to the Game: Open 21:00-22:00
All people love to read books and watch movies about wizards. For example about Harry Potter.
Usually, after reading this topic, a person thinks that this is for somebody else, not about him. Although, the Soul has a desire: I would be able to do it…

Most of people consider magic is fiction and unreal.
Some people think that there is Magic, but he or she needs to study for a very long time. A wizard is usually a wise old man or an ancient old woman.
And it’s really hard work to become a wizard.
After all, those who did not agree to be all-aching and became aspired to those who are all-powerful – become wizards.
This Creator is omnipotent. And the Creator is in every person.
Each person manifests his or her creativity in the measure of strength and capabilities.
Miracles happen to every person and magical events take place, but not everyone believes that there can be more such miracles.
When we calculate the probability of our appearance on the World, taking into account how many different incredible events happened for this, then we will get a number almost equal to zero.
However, we Live. But this is not enough for all of us.
We want our wishes to be fulfilled by magic. And this is true.
Why do some succeed, but we don’t? Maybe something is missing.
It may be necessary to recall their magical abilities and begin to use them.

Let’s try to use Translighters technology and increase the likelihood of magic in our lives.
After all, we have a tool like the Intention Card card.
Like each tool must learn to use.
How to use Translighters magic tools can be mastered at Translighters Games.
In the meantime, we invite you to Translighters Game with the Intention Card.
Basic techniques of working with Intention and a little theory.
The game will take place at 21.00 by Prague time on May 8, Wednesday.
Order Intention Card Now!
For those who do not have the Intention Card, we offer its temporary electronic copy made using the Translighters Digital technology.
To make it at home, download the Translighters Digital file:

Download file. Don’t change size or name of this file. Print it the size of a plastic card on a color printer or copy it to a blank flash drive.
The Game 21.00 by Prague,
Link to the Game:
Open 21:00-22:00
Intention Card – Effector of Intentions
It is a new solution for successful people, who aspire to attain the maximum result and Increase efficiency in all areas of life.
A long time our team approaching the creation of a “magic wand“, which allow to everybody materialize true desires without complexity and resistance. At first we developed devices for implementation desires of different level. There are operative desires, tactical tasks and strategy purposes. So we have developed many devices for local specific purposes and for normalization in a variety of areas of life.
Using of the Intention Card will open next capabilities for you:
• To formulate true wishes distinctly
• To determine promptly the best strategy of action
• To gain time by avoiding unnecessary actions
• To solve problems of any complexity with high efficiency
• Achieve the purpose by shortest way
• To perceive the full picture in the face of a lack of information
• To solve their own and not others tasks
Intention Card (Gold Fish) – is one of the advanced developments by VSI BLAGA. This device allow you to realize dreams and desires regardless of their level of complexity. Moreover, the resource intensity of your desire also does not matter. When using the GoldFish, you need to realize your true desires and wishful final result. So you can use all the possibilities of the materialization. And you do not need to think about which resources to use to get your aim.
People have long dreamed of fulfilling their desires. All nations have different fairy tales about Well of wishes, Magic Wands, tales of the Jinn. From Russian tales we can learn about Gold Fish, which fulfills desires. The main idea of the Russian fairy tale is that desire should be true and reasonable. A desire must bring good and not harm the world and other people.
If you do not realize your true desires, then the Goldfish will help you better understand yourself. Your hidden desires will be carried out gently and lead you to the conscious aims. You will understand how to make the right choice.
The structure of the Intention Card (Gold Fish) eliminates distortion of the environment on the forming and realisation way of desire. So intention gains strength of the pure acting without resistance of environment. The stronger your intention and the clearer the goal, the sooner and brighter it will be realized with the application of the Goldfish.
The free energy of space will be directed to approach you to your goal, and the structure of the Goldfish contributes to the formation of a clear vector for the realisation of the conceived. So the efficiency of solving any your problem increases.
To accomplish your goal, you can use your usual algorithms, as well as new techniques. If you like to think through all the details, then your intention can be realized according to your plan. If you prefer to improvise, then your desire will be carried out without limits and limitations. The quickness and simplicity of the solution will surprise you. When using Gold Fish, resource constraints are not important for the implementation of intent. The needed people, material wealth and other resources necessary to realize your desires, appear at the right time.
You should be attentive and act decisively in time during the fortunate circumstances.
Feel free to experiment with your desires and the use of the Intention Card (Gold Fish). Remember that realization of your desires should not harm others.
Use the Intention Card (Gold Fish), learn more, be passionate and you will be successful.
Science, Magic, Technologies