Attention management and Anti-Stress service

Attention management and Anti-Stress service tested on GDVCAMERA by DrK and GDV Sputnik

More about Translighters technologies and Research

Attention management and Anti-Stress service

Service for enhancement of online meetings held on Zoom, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Instagram etc

Attention manager benefits

The main changes of online meeting are as follows:

  • increase attention of participants
  • decrease the stress-level of participants
  • increase the energy of the space
  • increase the isotropy
  • decrease the entropy
  • increase the measure of order
  • improve the accuracy of meeting

Activate Attention manager (Zoom Shedrug) Now!

The entropy process can be opposed to something

When a tree grows, it organizes matter and reduces entropy

When a person writes a book, he reduces entropy

When many people build a city or live by law, they reduce entropy

Any organizing activity reduces entropy and, as a result, resists the destruction of the world

Conscious organizing, constructive activity reduces entropy

Well-organized thinking reduces entropy

GDV Sputnik measurements

We conducted an experiment with GDVCAMERA by DrK and GDV Sputnik.

Service for enhancement of online meetings Zoom, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Instagram etc

To illustrate the operability of the proposed technology, a series of experiments was carried out to attach Translighters structures to the Zoom program link.

As a result of this connection, links of the ZOOM program connect with Bio-Net.

In this case, in addition to the usual visual information, a stream of the Bio-Net ordering physical structures begins to pass through the computer monitor.

This stream changes the characteristics of the space in front of the monitor that can be measured.

As a means of measurement GDVCAMERA by DrK and GDV Sputnik sensor was used. The GDV Sputnik was installed in front of the laptop monitor. The GDV signal integrally depends on the radiation flux in the room. The sensor is connected to the test object of the Bio-Well device. The test object forms a light spot of Kirlian radiation on the glass of the device, which captures the information from the camera of the device and transfers it to the computer. (More about GDVCAMERA by DrK and GDV Sputnik).

Glow measurements of the test object were conducted with the interval of 10 seconds. Each series consisted of 150-200 measurements. Next, a series of measurements were processed using the statistical processing program GDV SciLab (more about GDV Software). 10 main parameters characterizing of the Kirlianogram were calculated (more about Korotkov’s images).

Measurements were taken before connecting the Zoom link to the Bio-Net structures and after joining the structures. Some measurement results are shown in the graphs below.

The graphs below represent measurements with and without Shedrug technology in red and blue colors accordingly.

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